
Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh my! Common tests are finally OVER.

Yes, I declare it over like, yesterday!

Maths and science results today was pretty much depressing, don't you think?
Grats to all you smartypantsz who like aced with pretty colours.

And us with dull stripes and crosses shan't give up and cry and shall "TRIPLE OUR EFFORTS -MR AIMAN" and seriously chiong for EOYs! Yes 1O, you heard what he had to say.

We're seriously gonna pull this through together!
Study people, study! And today even Ms Brislin talked about her expectations. So, we shouldn't let our teachers and more importantly, ourselves down. Focus pocus, do homework! HAHA.

And... Don't study last minute (oh my, I'm contradicting myself)
Ask your partners to slap you if you sleep (and slap them back if you weren't)
HAHAHAHA. Seriously, we should have fun while progressing!

Hope y'all don't take your results too hard, I mean I know it's ... Important.
But, it's over. No point crying or dying about it.

I've only got one thing to say.

Yep. that's for you, awesome people!
Sorry I sound like your nanny. HAHA. I just want all of us to show people that we can achieve in every way, be it sports or wtv.

1O rocks like nothing else do. Go people, luv you (L)



And 2 Out Of This World still rocks @ 5:35 AM.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Listen up, honeybunnies.

Class tee submissions are up, so please send to NAT!

Also, a BIGGGG announcement coming up after CT,
so please do stay tuned!

OMG i sound like a deejay.
LOL k byebye.


And 2 Out Of This World still rocks @ 3:25 AM.
Friday, August 14, 2009

Haha, hey people.
Finally, someone's blogging!
You must be surprised, nyeheheh.

It's like almost 1AM, and today's Friday, so yeah.
Don't really bother to sleep. I can't sleep anyway.
Now's the Common Test 3 period. So, how's mugging?

Thursday was History. Tough right, right? Haha.
Stupid 45 minutes! Finger cramps, right? :D
Friday was Maths. It was pretty okay, don't you think so?
Like to me I think it was not as tough as expected.
So anyway, don't think about it if you think you've flung it.
Not a big deal. Focus on what's left, and EOYs! ^^

Jiayou to all okay. Don't take it too hard, don't get too stressed up.
Cos it won't lead you to any good. Haha. I sound so dotzzsszxc.

You people take care okay.
Don't fall sick like I always do.
And then sneeeeeeze every period like I always do.
And annoy all the teachers with stupid lame noises,
and don't forget, my naps :D

Luv you people forever and ever!
Don't forget to do your Literature homework.
Just 5 symbols and yeah.
And mug for Science, which is on Monday!

Nabsterzx (Nabilah) was here. :D


And 2 Out Of This World still rocks @ 9:51 AM.
Friday, August 7, 2009

hello oreolahs!!!
it's me kapeela! ok i just wanted to say that our blog is sooo dead.
i mean, if we put one of those registers thingy, it will only show like 20 or someting....:(
soooo, i tink we should hav a system or someting.
like one week is one person or register no. 1-5 or smthing.
we can write about anything.
or jus put up announcements
don tell me our class is sooo borin?
so, can we do smting about it?
thanks soooo much my dear children!!!
luv ya!
mama kapeela:)


And 2 Out Of This World still rocks @ 7:25 PM.

Fight like the first, we'll win this game,
We'll show you that we're not the same.
2 Outofthisworld.


The hot and secksi nerds. <3

Awesome people:

1. A Kapeela
-Red Cross Youth
2. Amira
-Girl Guides & Tennis
3. Aw Xiu Ting
-Symphonic Band
4. Brenda Tan
-Symphonic Band
5. Cai Pei Shan
6. Chan Si Yu (Gladys)
7. Chan Zhi Yi
-Symphonic Band
8. Cheng Hoi Ting
9. Amanda Cheng
-Symphonic Band
10. Natalie Chong
-Track And Field
11. Divashini
-Track And Field
12. Elizabeth Yang
-Red Cross Youth
13. Samantha Goh
-Girl Guides
14. Jeslyn Christina Anthonius
-Red Cross Youth
15. Kang Chelsea Marie
-Girl Guides
16. Ko Yu Hui
-Media Club (Editorial)
17. Skye Lee
-Track And Field
18. Esabel Lim
19. Amanda Lim
-Media Club (Photography)
20. Ng Wan Yi
-Girl Guides
21. Nicole Tan
22. Nurul Asyikin
23. Ong Boon Cheng
-Girl Guides
24. Ong Wei Ern
-Track And Field
25. Parvathi Kumar
-Red Cross Youth
26. Poorani
-Track And Field
27. Pradeeptha Venkat
28. Priscilla Leo
29. Sarah Amalina
30. Sheen Chick
31. Sim En Ching
32. Siti Nabilah
-Track And Field
33. Jeryl Soh
-Track And Field
34. Charmian Tan
-Symphonic Band
35. Teo Xin Yi
36. Jody Wong
-Track And Field
37. Yap Ching Siu
-Red Cross Youth
38. Khystelle Yeo
-Symphonic Band
39. Evangeline Yew

-Most Enthusiastic Class 2009
-Runner Up Best Class Of 2009
-Best Class Award For Orientation 2009


Monitress: Weiern
Asst. Monitress: Booncheng
Secretory: Sarah
Treasurer: Sheen
NE Rep: Elizabeth
SEL Rep: Evangeline

English Rep: Yu Hui
Maths Rep: Nicole
Science Rep: Samantha
Higher Chinese Rep: Hoi Ting
Express Chinese Rep: Priscilla
Higher Tamil Rep: Diva
Higher Malay Rep: Amira
Malay Rep: Parvathi
Music Rep: Peishan
Sports Rep: Zhi Yi
Geography Rep: Gladys
Literature Rep: Brenda
History Rep: Pradeeptha
Home Econs Rep: Asyikin
D&T Rep: Khystelle
Art Rep: Amanda Cheng

Link yourselves, kay? Loves!

Other Class Blogs


We're hot like that ;)


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010


Designer: Brenda♥
Image hosting: Photobucket
Basecodes: lil.queens
Brushes: xoxo
Others: x , x
Photo edit by Photoshop CS2